Clearing areas by defeating leaders or successfully traversing the terrain allows players to bypass those areas via the world map, reducing travelling time. The game world is divided into 84 areas accessible through a world map. The game is played in 45° axonometric perspective, movement through the game's environs is real-time, combat is turn-based. Players can also convince certain non-player characters to join them. Shapers rely on their creations for protection. The Shaper is a summoner, capable of creating living creatures by using their own life essence. Agents are the game's version of rogues, and excel in spell casting and are capable of hand-to-hand combat. They are capable of shaping creations, but have little affinity for magic. Guardians are fighters who excel in standard combat skills, especially hand-to-hand fighting. Each of the three character classes has a particular playing style and can approach tasks in different ways. Players create a character from one of three character classes and explore the area surrounding Drypeak, a failing Shaper colony, solving quests and gaining experience. The player character is an apprentice Shaper, a feared and secretive group who can create life. Geneforge 2 is a role-playing game where the player's choice of answers during conversations with non-player characters affects how the player is regarded amongst the game's four factions. Video game journalists awarded both positive and average review scores, they were impressed by Geneforge 2's plot and replayability but criticized the game's graphics and ambient sound effects. The game's development was made more simple by the use of the same game engine to that of its predecessor, though extra dialogue was involved due to the presence of four factions rather than the three in Geneforge. When they arrive not all is well, the player becomes drawn into a four-way war which has been hidden from the outside world. They are sent on a mission to investigate a failing Shaper colony called Drypeak. The game's plot concerns an apprentice Shaper and an Agent (whose name is Shanti), both members of a secretive sect of wizards who can create life by using their own life energy.

Players create a character from one of three character classes and explore the game's 84 locations, deciding whether to ally themselves with one of the four factions or remain neutral.
#Avernum 6 plot series
Geneforge 2 is the second video game in the Geneforge series of role-playing video games created by Spiderweb Software.