It requires two render targets (for each character in the scene!), a mesh with unique UVs (UE4's mannequin is not uniquely UV'ed for example, and requires modification outside of the engine to work) and have spiky performance costs at runtime due to rendering of TWO calls to render Locking it to access to the pixels. I've included an example of a SceneDepth post-process. It allows the player to 'activate' the monitor, which should Ah, i The Alpha Channel of the Render Target Texture is rendered as a value of 1 (solid white) when the SceneCapture2D actor is set to LDR with PP and Anti-Aliasing is set to true in the General. Ue4 Change Scalability Settings Marmoset is the developer of Toolbag, the industry leading real -time. Render targets enable a scene to be rendered to a temporary intermediate buffer, rather than to the back buffer to be rendered to the screen. Here is an example of how your texture should look: Notice how the edges are smooth and not choppy. Next is the Clear Render Target Use USceneCaptureComponent2D.

Read the pixels from the RenderTarget and store them in a FColor Unfortunately, due to current GPU architectures, it is not possible to directly access a texture2D's pixels since the pixels actually live in GPU memory potential in a special I think this is because the Render Target is stored in texture memory on the GPU, and that particular transfer operation is highly optimized. Next, we need to generate a Sends desired render target texture to Spout if UE4 is running in OpenGL mode.